BrightLife Schaumburg Blog

Chiropractic Schaumburg IL Lupus

Lupus, Inflammation, and Lifestyle Choices in Schaumburg IL

Lupus, Inflammation, and Lifestyle Choices In Schaumburg IL Lupus, the Disease In Schaumburg IL Lupus is a well-known disease to Schaumburg IL chiropractors. It falls under the category of autoimmune disease. This means that it attacks your own cells. Your body fights against itself! It causes inflammation that leads to other damage throughout the body…

Chiropractic Schaumburg IL Woman With Apple

How to live a gluten-free life in Schaumburg IL

How to live a gluten-free life In Schaumburg IL According to consumer data, about 22% of adults in the US are trying to avoid gluten – that’s nearly a quarter of the population! As a result, the gluten-free business has grown 63% between 2012 and 2014, to become close to a $9 billion market. Schaumburg…

Chiropractic Schaumburg IL Eating Fermented Foods

Eating fermented foods can improve your health in Schaumburg IL

Eating fermented foods can improve your health In Schaumburg IL Fermentation is not something that is usually associated with good health. In fact, if you mention fermentation as a Schaumburg IL chiropractor, most people tend immediately to think about alcohol, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Both beer and wine are produced using a process of…

Chiropractic Schaumburg IL Happy Middle Aged Couple

What are Postbiotics? 5 Health Benefits in Schaumburg IL

What are Postbiotics? 5 Health Benefits In Schaumburg IL If you have somewhat kept up with health news over the past several years, it is likely you have heard of prebiotics and probiotics. As Schaumburg IL chiropractors we know both of these components have to do with keeping your digestive system healthy and regular, among…

Chiropractic Schaumburg IL Illness In America

How a FODMAP diet can radically improve your digestion in Schaumburg IL

How a FODMAP diet can radically improve your digestion In Schaumburg IL No matter how you look at it, the general health of Americans isn’t good. According to the Center for Chronic Disease Control and Prevention: “1 in 4 Americans has multiple chronic conditions . . .that require ongoing medical attention or that limit activity…

Chiropractic Schaumburg IL Couple

The Candida Diet: How to Prevent and Treat Candida Infection in Schaumburg IL

The Candida Diet: How to Prevent and Treat Candida Infection In Schaumburg IL As you probably know, it is healthy to have a balanced population of microflora (mostly what is known as “good bacteria”) in your digestive system. The little bacteria that thrive in our gut help promote healthy digestion and immune strength. Continue reading…